The Virus – FOUR Threats? Some Survival Tips…

The Virus – FOUR Threats? Some Survival Tips…

My view from the COVID-19 bunker? This phenomenon is at least a quadruple threat. Have you considered ALL FOUR? What we’re doing…

So you know the spread and reaction to this pandemic this is an extremely fluid situation this article reflects one point in time.

Obviously, our first threat is physiological. You already know more than you’d like. Everybody is talking about this one. If you catch the bug, and you were already at risk for a respiratory infection, or you’re old like me, or maybe you’re not so old but otherwise at higher risk (you smoke, or you have other underlying conditions) you’re more likely to get sick. You’re also less likely to recover.

So do what you can to reduce your risk: We stay well hydrated, and we drink only double-filtered water (buying bottled water isn’t sustainable), we practice excellent hygiene, and we stay well away from potential carriers (other people, pets and other animals), just in case WE might be carriers ourselves. We’ve decided to further reduce our risk via PREVENTION by avoiding animal and dairy food productsentirely. We’re only consuming plant-based food (and we feel great!). We’re also taking a few select vitamins, minerals and other supplements to enhance our immune systemS. All our fruits and veggies are subjected to a rigorous bath in a commercial fruit/vegetable wash. To each their own. Your mileage may vary. Overreacting? Maybe. The alternative? Not for us. Not now.

The second threat is psychological. A creeping visceral sense of foreboding makes it easy to assume the worst. Is this an extinction event? Are we under attack from something or someone other than from an act of a vengeful God? Is this a bio-terrorism attack? Or is this “event” just another careless or ignorant act of neglect? Prayer and meditation calm me. And my writing!

The third threat is logistical. Gotta get supplies: food and water, etc. With retail stores emptying out and imposing limits to guard against hoarders, we’re stocking up on nutritious supplies that don’t occur to too many others such as bags of organic dry beans. They keep well on the cupboard shelf until you soak them overnight. And then we cook them into a big batch of protein-rich soup, freezing some for later. If store shelves are empty, we seek out farmers’ markets. Oh, and do keep a supply of toilet paper on hand too. Use your inventory conservatively.

Can you believe what’s trending on Twitter? #ToiletPaperApocalypse! Yeah, I waited for two hours at the crack of dawn the other day to score my own TP stash! Can’t get TP at the Farmer’s Market!

Most everyone depends on the power grid. We are fortunate enough to have a generator, but most do not. Minimally, we know folks who have a few solar cells to at least charge their phones so they can stay in touch.

We’re avoiding travel if at all possible to reduce OUR risk AS WELL AS RISK TO OTHERS. Call your (a) doctor if you exhibit persistent cold- or flu-like symptoms, like temps above 100.4 degrees, headaches, dry coughs, and extreme fatigue. WATCH THE NEWS from several sources. Our favorite is ABC right now.

And the fourth enduring threat is economic. Why aren’t we hearing more about this? The Fed Reserve is taking drastic measures, but…

With our economic infrastructure struggling due to the first three threats, many still need to go to work. But companies are shutting down their operations. Things like paid leave may come, but “40% of Americans can’t handle even a $400 emergency!”. That’s not even one payday for a lot of folks.

While most retirees don’t have to work, they may still depend on pensions, investments, Medicare, or other insurance. We’re fortunate enough to have a few investments, so we’re checking with our financial advisors on prudent defensive financial measures they’d recommend.

As conditions worsen, and we’re told they will, in the aftermath, how long will it take for our (world) economy to recover? Will the majority of Americans ever recover financially, even if Wall Street bounces back eventually?

Many also fear an escalating crime rate, arming themselves against increasingly desperate people. So we protect ourselves best we can, but hopefully, we don’t lose compassion for our fellow human beings.
I’m guessing right now the “preppers” (survivalists) are feeling more than a bit of “told you so.” But listen, let’s not allow this (or any emergency) to rob us of our humanity. Please.

Given this four-cornered threat boxing us in physically, logistically, psychologically, and economically, especially because there are SO many unknowns in each of these areas right now, it would be easy to just give up. To stay in bed. To not press on with our lives. Or to lose our decency. But that’s not who we are, is it? At least that remains my fervent hope.

We are strong. We are resourceful. And we are resilient. Let’s not lose sight of ANY of that.

Like the aftermath of 9/11, nothing will ever be the same. And maybe that’s ok. Maybe this is a badly needed wake-up call.

Do you have other ideas to share? 💡 Let us know!

Just remember, this too shall pass. We’re all in this together. God bless us all.


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