It’s a Party… Save the Date!

It’s a Party… Save the Date!

A formal book launch cycle drives a ton of work. I’m a bit frazzled, but we’re getting close now.


Not a selfie right now, but…

If you’ve been following my literary journey, you already know that the Kindle edition of my latest contemporary thriller/mystery Fractured Dreams” is already available for pre-order on Amazon, and the paperback version is soon to follow on all online retail sites worldwide.

So what’s coming?

Save June 9th from 7:00 to  8:30 PM 

Eastern US Time Zone
We’re gonna throw a

Virtual Book Launch Party 

for Fractured Dreams, my latest thriller. One early reader (a biased close personal friend of mine, truth be told) said of the book, “Fractured Dreams reads like Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child ventured out on a conspiratorial road trip in an RV with Lee Child and Dean Koontz.” Huh. Nice.

Yes, the party will be a few days beyond the book’s May 31st release date, but fate can be fickle, and usually is, especially these days. 

This is one party you will not want to miss. I’ll say more about that in the coming days, so watch this space.

We’ll gather at Facebook Live. That means I’ll be on live video. Nobody will see you at your computer, tablet or phone (you can remain in your jammies), but I’ll see and mention your comments and questions right after you type them. Can’t wait!


Hold the date:
June 9th
7-to-8:30 PM.

We’ll have some fun and freebies too, perhaps with a surprise guest.

 As June 9th draws nearer, I’ll send more info on the happening itself. Then in the week prior to the party, my subscribers will receive a link to click. That’ll get you through the virtual door. That’s it! I hope you can join us.

Subscribing to my email list comes with perks. If you haven’t already scored one of my books absolutely free, just fill out the signup form here on to claim your free science fiction novel and you will automatically get more info on this contemporary thriller’s launch party as the date approaches. But for now, at least save the date!

I recently responded to a request for an interview by “The Awesome Gang,” a popular book promotion website. You might be interested in how I responded to one of their questions related to “Fractured Dreams”:

Awesome Gang: “What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

To which I responded:

“The book I finished recently, currently on pre-order at Amazon until its May 31st release date is called “Fractured Dreams.” This is the second book in my Dream Runners series. 

“The first, “Dangerous Dreams,” is now available in ebook and paperback editions worldwide at all online retailers (one reader commented “an accelerating ride to a thrilling climax”). Check out the editorial review offered by New York Times best-selling author Nick Russell on the book’s Amazon sales page.

They say the most fascinating characters originate from real-world experience, and those in “Fractured Dreams” are no exception. 

“By living for a few weeks to a few months in each of over forty US states over the last four years, we have met and made friends with so many amazing people or heard unlikely stories told by others.

For example, have you ever heard of anyone living in a pickup truck’s bed who mines antique bottles from below the sites of nineteenth-century outhouses in the Pacific Northwestern US and considers himself a forensic archaeologist?

“Or a grandmother who lives in the deep desert in a Ford Focus with a 3×3-foot tent that doubles as her outhouse and her solar shower? Charlotte is proud to brand herself a “rubber tramper.” She props up her small solar cell on a paint stir stick so she can call her granddaughter occasionally.

“How about a flute player who performs on the casino circuit and tames rowdy tourists with his naked Native American charm?

“I just could not have infused that sort of authentic inspiration into my writing sitting at a computer in Florida. 

“Many of these stories became the genesis of the characters in “Fractured Dreams,” and the story lines continued from the first book, even as they evolved: large-scale intrigue, political conspirators attempting a palace coup within the White House, assassins foiled by underdogs, conflict with undertones of sexual tension, deep-rooted friendships between unlikely characters, and flawed players seeking redemption. 

“That is the soul of ‘Fractured Dreams.’”

If you can’t make launch party on June 9, my plan is to record the event and post it on this blog (God and tech willing). But you’ll be missing out on some chill swag!

With pen in hand…


One Reply to “It’s a Party… Save the Date!”

  1. Hey, dude! Would like to order a print copy. Hope all is & are well. All good here at Voyager.

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