

A New GK Jurrens Book is Almost Here

Happy New Year!

Thirteen days and counting….

Dateline January 5, 2022
Location: Punta Gorda, Florida

I fell off a roof, but I am still alive! Just like in the movies, but with a longer recovery time. I’m old. Plus, I perform my own stunts.

Book News

Yes, I am recovering nicely from my tumble off the RV’s roof mid-October, but that is not why I’ve been M.I.A. for the last month-and-a half. Written, edited, reviewed and formatted, my latest novel, “Black Blizzard,” publishes later this month. This story took a year to tell, and I am ecstatic.

Now I must tell you why I am so excited. I believe this novel, by all reports to date, is my best book by far. At least that’s what my dedicated (and some very seasoned) pre-publication readers are saying: 

  • I had to stay up way past my bedtime last night to finish the book… because I wanted to find out how the story ends. The book is quite gripping, not just because the characters are so relatable and likable, but because you inject a story line with believable tension. Having lived in Iowa and gotten to know many students from farm families, I felt at home with the Iowa people.
  • “I just finished your book. Thought it was excellent.
  • I’m impressed by your writing.
  • A great job of tying subparts of the story together. Bravo!”
  • “One word: authentic.”
  • The ending was very satisfying.

Now, I must tell you that after spending thousands of hours crafting “Black Blizzard,” amidst all the other things in life I sacrificed to share this story (including Kay’s patience, at times), I live for such reactions, like every serious author. Oh, I’m sure my humongous ego plays a role (pro tip: every successful author nurtures one), but beyond that, I was driven to write this book because it represents something important to me.

“Black Blizzard” is a satisfying adventure yarn with engaging characters you’ll grow to care deeply about as they face dismal odds, but still manage to thrive—somehow. At least some of them. And I offer an authentic voice to those who, even today, don’t feel like they have a voice of their ownthe disenfranchised and marginalized who seek to fulfill their destinies.

“Black Blizzard” is set in the summer of 1934. I loosely base this story on my parents’ incredible lives during America’s Great Depression. Though fictional, I’ve attempted to make this story, and its characters, despite the sweeping stakes and unlikely settings, as authentic and engaging as any of the classics.

Get lost in the Dust Bowl of rural America for a few enjoyable evenings. You’ll never again think of the folks who lived through that maelstrom the same.

Would you like to hear which scene in “Black Blizzard” was the hardest to envision and to write?

Put yourself in my shoes: you know that in order to be true to this dramatic but adventurous story line, you must craft a special love scene—a sexual encounter—involving a newly married version of your parents. Yup, I lost sleep over that one, kids, but chapter thirty-three is both blazing and tender. Got ‘er done!

To read a synopsis of “Black Blizzard” click here. I hope to have this new novel available for pre-order within a week or so. I still await some last-minute feedback on the manuscript’s final draft from my wonderful pre-publication readers. Yes, things move quickly in the world of independent publishing, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Travel News & Informal Book Signings

Kay and I will hit the big slab again by mid-March in our faithful old bus. This time, we’ll first travel north to visit our favorite Indiana Amish community. After that, family, and then west for several summer stays along the way. This Fall, we’ll run down the west coast, and on to the Southwest before returning to Florida in the Fall of 2023. Total trip time: approximately eighteen months, barring catastrophe.

Too soon for a prediction?

We’re planning several stops along the way where I also hope to meet new fans. Here’s the itinerary for informal book signing events (nothing fancy) we’re planning so far:

  • Rochester, Minnesota,
  • West Yellowstone, Montana,
  • Port Townsend, Washington,
  • Brookings, Oregon,
  • Santa Rosa, California (SF Bay Area)?
  • San Diego, California area?
  • Quartzsite, Arizona,
  • Mesa, Arizona,
  • Tucson, Arizona
  • Punta Gorda, Florida,
  • Fort Myers Beach, Florida,
  • Plus a few more spontaneous events as the spirit moves Miss Kay and me (maybe in the San Diego area).

I’ll post dates and venues as they solidify. I’d love to see you!

After visiting the Pacific Northwest this Fall, where I plan to co-sponsor a writers conference, Kay and l will run down the Oregon and California coasts (wildfires willing) and ultimately visit a few places in Southern California before we spend next winter in Arizona. We’ve not seen old friends there in far too long. If you’re a Dream Runners fan, you may recall our time in Arizona inspired the novel, Fractured Dreams. I long to reconnect with the “desert rats” in Quartzsite, and “fluties” in Tucson who collectively inspired that fanciful tale of drama and intrigue from aboard a forty-three-foot bus. Some have become dear friends.

For the summer of 2024, we’ll swing north of the border and aim east: Quebec, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, possibly Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Our primary objective for that northern junket: the Montreal Jazz Festival in June. Then we’ll aim the bus down through the Northeastern U.S. and back to SW Florida for the winter. At least, that’s currently our plan. Watch this space. 

Well, that’s it from this side of the screen for now. I’d be honored if you’d give “Black Blizzard” a read. And should we cross paths on the road, let’s get together for a cup!

Happy Hopeful New Year to you and yours!

With pen in hand… wherever… and until…


P.S. “Books admitted me to their world open-handedly, as people for their most part, did not. The life I lived in books was one of ease and freedom, worldly wisdom, glitter, dash and style.”

– Jonathan Raban, “For Love and Money” (1987)

Now that “Black Blizzard” is nearly “in the can,” as screenwriters say, I’m conjuring my next “Lyon County Mystery.” I think maybe I’ll title it, “Murder in Purgatory,” which I hope to complete by Labor Day 2022. One thing I know for sure at this early stage… a gypsy circus will visit Lyon County and wreak havoc on the locals’ perception of what’s normal. More disenfranchised voices? Watch this space, my friends.

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